The building sustainable regulations for social housing in Mexico


  • Silvia Arias



The present project analyzes the conditions of the actual construction regulations and their relation with the conditions of sustainability of the western zone of Mexico. The human activity of production and occupation of the housing activity, has contributed important percentage in the problem of the global warming. The waste production and deterioration of the natural resources force to consider technological alternatives for the production and occupation of the sustainable buildings that incorporates low energy technologies and systems for the water consumption, as well for the energy efficiency using the advantage of the natural lighting, natural ventilation and the treatment of outer areas. The analysis of the energy efficiency will be based mainly on the conditions of sustainability, understanding that the consumption of the energy and the water is certain determined for the conditions of habitability. A sustainable construction can be a space completely integrated to the natural landscape and the natural flows of an ecosystem, or can be an artificial place with a high energy performance, built with low environmental impact materials. The primary objective is to maximize the energy efficiency, to reduce the carbon dioxide emissions, the conservation of the natural resources, as well as to integrate sustainable technologies and to make integral an urban planning with citizen participation in the different phases from the project.



