About the Publication

Focus and Scope

The 1st International Conference Virtual City and Territory (CTV) was at Barcelona in 2004, conceived by Centre of Land Policy and Valuations (CPSV), as a meeting place to present developments in virtual models and tools for representing the built environment.

During the course of its editions, without losing its initial spirit, social issues have been incorporated, always with an impact on territorial and urban areas.

Peer Review Process

In the process of the works received selection and revision of them, for its acceptance and publication it has, in addition to the Edition Committee (Executive), an International Scientific Committee (both Permanent and in each edition) composed of experts of international scope and of the local editions, in each case.

Once the works have been received and carried out, a first verification by the Executive Committee, afterwards these are subject to review by external blind peers, in two stages; summary and full paper.

Open Access Policy

The works here published are the result of the successive editions of the Interncational Conference Virtual City and Territory (CTV) and its publication guarantees immediate and free access to its content, based on the principle that it offers the public free access to scientific research. helps to a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Journal History

The 1st International Conference Virtual City and Territory (CTV) was at Barcelona in 2004, conceived by Center of Land Policy and Valuations (CPSV), as a meeting place to present developments in virtual models and tools for representing the built environment.

At the end of the first conference, it was decided to continue with an annual meeting, alternately in Europe and Latin America, always with the support of the CPSV of the UPC and of International Network Architecture, City and Environment, thought as a platform of development of the conference.

Its second edition was in 2005, in Concepción (Chile), at the Universidad del Bío-Bío. Then in 2006, in Bilbao, the Labein-Tecnalia Foundation organized the third edition and the fourth was in 2007, in Guadalajara and Puerto Vallarta (Mexico), organized by the University of Guadalajara, under the theme “Re-think the city.” The fifth edition was in 2009, once again in Barcelona, and raised the search for global solutions to the problem of territorial-urban development, in view of the transformations of the 21st Century. Therefore, the call was made under the theme “Strategies of transformation and management of the city; perspectives and new technologies.” The sixth edition was in 2010 at the University of Baja California, Mexicali (Mexico) and the next two in Portuguese-speaking countries; the seventh co-organized by the University of Coimbra and the New University of Lisbon (Portugal) in 2011 and the eighth in 2012 in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), organized by the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, under the theme “Produce a new Urban Utopia; virtualities, possibilities and experiences.” The ninth edition was in 2013, in Rome (Italy) organized by the Roma Tre University, based on the concepts “City · Memory · People” and the tenth in 2014 in Monterrey (Mexico) at the Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon, under the theme “Dispersion / concentration of urban territories, in light of the technologies of the 21st century.” The eleventh edition was in Krakow (Poland) organized by the Cracow University of Technology and Polish Academy of Sciences. The twelfth edition, “Smart Cities and Territories” was in 2018, in Mendoza (Argentina) organized by the National University of Cuyo. The 13th edition “Challenges and paradigms of the contemporary city” was in Barcelona, organized by the CPSV of the UPC, and more than 200 people participated.

The 14th edition of 2020, “New challenges in the contemporary development of cities”, will be held in Bogotá and Cartagena de Indias (Colombia), organized by the School of Architecture and Habitat, of the University of Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano (UJTL) and the UPC CPSV.