Asentamientos irregulares en la escena urbana: superposición de ámbitos y escenarios de intervención


  • César Castellano Caldera



The intervention of the irregular settlements has evolved upon the successes and errors of policies that normally do not consider an integral vision of the urban system. Among the numerous integral interventions in Latin American, Venezuela has developed three scopes of intervention proposed by Consejo Nacional de la Vivienda (CONAVI) by creating Pograms for the improvement and the rehabilitation of these areas. Currently two scenes are superimposed: one national that proposes Centers of Endogenous Development to decentralize and disperse; and the other Regional, made up of the Urban Land Committees directed towards regularize the ownership of the land; and the Local Councils of Public Planning who guarantee the main participation. These scenarios look toward eradicating the precariousness tie to a phenomenon that, instead of being looked at as a threat, bust be looked at as an opportunity to incorporate them into a suitable urban plan



