Megadesarrollos turísticos de sol y playa enclaves del imaginario


  • Sylvia Cristina Rodríguez González



The sun and beach tourist megadevelopments have been stimulated by the Inter-American Bank of Development (BID) as projects of strategy of tourist development, in Mexico there are born the Integrally planned Centers (CIP's) to give urban order, decentralizing big tourist investments principally of origin foreigners. They are identified before the tourist promotion by the investment of inputs and technology. The emplacements have grown and destine spaces for the tourist temporary and permanent. This type stand out for being representations of exclusivity, privacy and safety, demonstrating interlock in the series of tourist sets constructed to integrate the tourist megadevelopment, limiting an access that indicates the beginning of the montage reality - fiction, shaping the montage of fiction, that they lead to constructing a reality from the imaginary one. The happened out of the montage will be considered to be a reality, on there having be established a series of page lay-outs that will make the new reality, the reality - fiction, between visual representations of fantasy, of sounds and overcoat of ideas for transmitting, since motivation is that the tourist guides prove for the tourists. The representations are based on images of landscapes, persons, cities and symbolic emblems. Chaque espace pour se faire remarquer sera repris pour mettre au point le montage dans des dessins, des peintures, des danses, une architecture, entre d'autres dynamiques de conquête touristique, égale il succède avec la reproduction de sons relatifs à l'exclusivité, confidentialité et sécurité pour le touriste à l'intérieur de l'ensemble. Toute construction de la réalité est réalisée dans un espace et le temps défini à partir de l'imaginaire, puisqu'il existe l'objectif de captiver le visiteur, à l'intérieur d'une série de montages continuels où la ligne de coupure sera éliminée entre des montages, en changeant la fiction en réalité pour le touriste, le montage correct et la scène indiquée, ils marquent l'ordre constant des montages. Of the chunk of images made and rescued of the natural or real environment, a plot relation was conforming across the page lay-out to the suitable sequence of each one of the scenes formed by the imaginary one, to join and to channel the montages for the fulfillment of the representation in a movie. Of the most out-standing examples they are the creations from the imaginary one in the United Arab Emirates represented in the hotels as tower hilton baynunah, jumeirah Beach burj al-arab, hotel w, hotel apearon island y hotel eta, which expose services as purchases of luxury, centers spa with exclusive facilities for the sport and the free time, equipped rooms with the last technology. The colors and the forms are distinguished for standing out before the Arabic culture, but it is important to indicate that each of these megadevelopments will mark with this series of montages, which will allow to arrange the series of chunks of images made before the imagined fantasy. The megadevelopments differ for creating tourist scenes from the imaginary one, emphasizing the interlock across the search of the safety concept, with a marked interest to shape new communities, likewise elements like them I access they are guarded by safety personnel that was indicating the welcome to the tourist, Without knowing that it will be guided and monitored by secret video cameras in the mass of the building, also safety elements are distinguished for the mobility and accessibility to the set, emphasizing airway, navally ó terrestrial, the tour to the interior being marked under an stairs of descending level to beach level, there was showing each of the tourist scenes mounted to indicate the tour to the tourist to the interior of the set.



