Periferias urbanas degradadas: normas de asentamiento y formas del habitar: ¿cómo intervenir?


  • Mario Cerasoli



*** ENG: To talk about periphery today implies the need of reviewing the meaning of the word itself. “Border” seems to be the most appropriate definition to describe the contemporary periphery, being it applicable to all the low density settlements that, in the last decades, inexorably surrounded big cities - and, unfortunately, not only those - occupying territories that generally used to be for agriculture. A periphery that is characterized basically for being “incomplete”, as a natural consequence of the interruption of the processes, as much spontaneous as planned, that produced it. The Roman scene is an extensive collector of peripheries, different and non homogenous, generally deteriorated, born since the end of World War II and which are still growing, only partially according to a general urban plan. Nevertheless the spontaneous periphery shows almost always established characteristics of a “quality” that are little or totally present in those planned. They are heterogeneous peripheries mainly of illegal character that unite the substantial absence of public spaces for social relation, of “central places”, to a provisional state that stresses their character of periphery. The first peripheries were born from the “necessity” - to live, to work, and to rest - in a period when the public administration could not or did not want to address the problem of settlements; during the years, this model of settlements have consolidated and begun to replicate itself, dangerously changing its typical features until losing its character of “necessity”. The private house with garden far from downtown, has become one of the most diffuse desiderata of the last years, when the cities began to be polluted because of - in a vicious circle - the traffic generated by those living in the peripheries and obliged to reach downtown every day. People get used to live in these heterogeneous peripheries that combine the absence of spaces for social relation and a provisional state stressing the character of periphery. And they do not perceive the “absence of the city” as a major problem, but only ask for more services and better mobility, both public and private. In thirty years, the idea of living, city and periphery was transformed. But this phenomenon goes with a sensible decay of the quality of life and of the environment. There is a very strict relation between birth and diffusion of the peripheries and the beginning of the process, still in place, of urban diffusion and dispersion. The breakthrough point of the settlements tradition - that culture of old and almost universal origins that was transmitted probably orally of father in son and that was by all well-known – can be put by the end of the Sixties and beginning of the Seventies. A transformation that brings to a diffuse settlements of residential character, with very low density (less than 15 hab/ha and less than 1 m3/m2), connected to the main cities by means of some routes or, in the most lucky cases, of railway infrastructures ensuring the connections with the places of study, work and spare time. The patterns of living, working and resting changed and adapted to what was offered by the cities. Frequently, the population was ready to remedy, even illegally, to the decisions or the not-decisions of the public administrations, thus creating a territorial system that is more and more widespread and less polycentric, which is characterized for weighing on the great urban areas and for showing in a more and more marked way the characters of hardly manageable mono functionality in terms of effectiveness of services and public infrastructures. This investigation on the Italian, and in particular Roman , periphery was carried out by using techniques of traditional analysis together with innovative tools that are now considered of normal use for the city planner: photos satellite, videos, Internet. The use of such means allowed following the transformations of the territory better and in real time, at the same time allowing the comparison with different informative sources. These innovative techniques and sources cannot replace the human resource but can very much facilitate the work of the operators of the sector, also in terms of teaching and diffusion of knowledge.



