Eines i indicadors per a la mesura del grau de sostenibilitat en la planificació territorial i urbanística


  • Esther Ferrer Pont
  • Blanca Botey Sánchez de Rojas
  • Francisco Cabrera Tosas
  • Gisela Lorán Benavent




In this article there are presented a set of tools and environment indicators habitually used by the Taller d’Enginyeria Ambiental, S.L in the environmental studies over the land and urban planning. These indicators may be used to value some of the effects of the implementation of some specific plan over the territory, to compare the environmental effects of different zoning or/and ordering alternatives, and finally, to justify the most environmentally sustainable alternative of ordering. The article presents some examples of these tools and indicators related with the rational use of the territory (index of the urban occupation of the land, index of urban dispersal, index of landscape fragmentation, index of visual basin free of impact), use of natural resources (index of the use of recycled water, and insolation’s studies usefulness) and the prevention of environmental risks (measurements of surfaces affected by water floods, and number of people and homes affected by high noise levels). The results of some of these indicators applied to different models of urban development are compared considering scattered and compact urban models. Finally, indicators’ utility in the process of alternatives selection of urban planning is valued, as well as its suitability to value the achievement of environmental objectives, according to the obtained results’ interpretation.



