Análisis de los factores condicion


  • Pablo Sarricolea Espinoza
  • Hugo Romero Aravena



The geographic and urban characteristics are investigated that determine the distribution of the temperatures of superficial emission in the Metropolitan Area of Valparaíso, the one that presents/displays topoclimatology in its interior which they remarkably affect the thermal field of the city. Between the characteristics they emphasize the referred ones to the greater one and smaller influence than exerts on the temperatures the proximity to the sea, the elevation, the aspect, the ground humidity, the presence of green areas, the reflectivity of the ground and the constructions, those that are correlated with the temperatures through models of multiple regression stepwise. One analyzes in the astronomical stations of winter and summer, and significant differences between the factors settle down that modify the temperatures in both periods of the year. The maximum amplitude of urban temperature according to the Landsat satellite demonstrate until 17,4ºC in summer and 8,8ºC in winter. In summer the factors that explain better the distribution of the temperatures correspond to the humidity, the green reflectivity of ground, proximity to the sea and areas (these last measures from the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, NDVI), being the zones of Quilpué and Villa Alemana put under greater temperatures when conforming a Surface Urban Heat Island (SUHI), and the rest of the city are colder than this zone, with exception of the district port of Valparaíso and the dune fields of Concón; the freshest areas of the city agree with the green and natural areas located in Viña del Mar (Club of Golf Granadilla, Sporting Club, Sausalito lagoon and the Naval Club) and summits of hills. During the winter, the most representative factors of the temperatures are the ground reflectivity, aspect and density of population, concentrating themselves the SUHI mainly in the center of Valparaíso, Concón and the districts of North exhibition of Viña del Mar (emphasizing the district Gómez Carreño) being the zones of Quilpué and Villa A lemana less warm than the rest of the city.



