Cambio de uso del suelo: el caso del borde costero de la Araucanía, sur de Chile: evolución y situación actual


  • Fernando Peña-Cortés
  • Carlos Bertrán
  • Jaime Tapia
  • Enrique Hauenstein
  • Marcos Cisternas
  • Gonzalo Rebolledo
  • Miguel Escalona-Ulloa



This research makes evident the environmental implications of the process of transforming the landscape in the territory of the coastal strip of La Araucania in Chile, which is characterized by five aspects: (1) high level of poverty and rurality, (2) a major consolidation and expansion of aggregate settlements, (3) the presence of singular elements due to natural conditions (wetlands, swamp forests, estuaries), (4) aboriginal people (mapuche) and, (5) late colonization process. The research shows initially an exploratory revision of the more relevant historical milestones, which have determined the process of transforming the landscape. Then, the change in land use between 1980 and 2004 it is geospatial rated, which allows to specify the main categories of change in land use and the current status of the ecological landscape. This analysis was complemented with the revision of demographic and socioeconomic indicators which permits to view the effects of the change in land use in the population. The results showed that the irruption of the spanish agriculture and and the subsequent deforestation by the settlers had severe effects on the landscape. More recently, the dynamics of transformation in the matrix to the dominant agricultural towards forestry (from 1% in 1980 to 19% in 2004), caused a decrease of 8.762 hectares of the agricultural matrix and a general decline of all natural coverage. Thus, a redistribution of the land use, an increased fragmentation of the landscape and a loss of spatial connectivity of natural systems was quantified. Besides, there was a movement of the rural population and a consolidation of urban centers like Nueva Toltén, Hualpin, Teodoro Schmidt y Saavedra, which it is related to falling of birth rate, increasing of rate of aging and lack of employment. We conclude that the interface of socio-cultural relations, economic and physical environment in the area, reveals the need for new approaches and planning tools for enhancing local development.



