Ciudad turística imaginada: escenario del trabajador migrante para la redefinición de la identidad y territorialidad


  • María Daniela Bustamante Alonso



The present paper has been created within the research project “Tourism cities. Studies of the transformations, challenges and solutions in the face of the local touristification (1990-2007)” directed by the binational team Spain-Mexico, formed by El Colegio de Sonora-Universidad Autónoma de Madrid- Universidad de Sonora, research and educative institutions, furthermore supported by the theoretical framework of the thesis “Tourist city transformations Study arised from the migrant worker megaproject’s housing”. Inquire internal migration in Puerto Peñasco, Sonora, Mexico, promoted by developers megadevelopments employers, is addressed as a case study that will deepen in order to derive the ratio of imaginary urban tourism, identity and territoriality of migrant beneficiaries housing in gated communities developed by megaproject, which are spaces of social segregation and high corporate security. Will show an abstract of the comparative analysis of the cases of Puerto Peñasco and Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The psychosocial aspect of the migrant will be analyzed from the psychological Lacanian perspective and the exploration of city‘s mental maps that recreate human’s perception as premise developed by Kevin Lynch and theoretical analysis of other imagery specialists as Mendez Sainz.



