Grandes proyectos de intervención en la ciudad-metrópoli: Guadalajara, México y los retos en la planeación urbana


  • Elisabeth Rivera Borrayo
  • Javier Orozco Alvarado



The fast growth displayed in our city since the mid-twentieth century, has accompanied with several and significant transformation processes in its urban structure, which generates problems of multiple complexities. One of the strategies that begin to be incorporated in the last decades, in the forms of urban intervention and particularly in Mexico, is the construction of great urban projects of intervention, viewed as key instruments in the development and urban planning, which produce in turn, significant changes in the structure of the city. This phenomenon has been reason for multiple ideas and approaches; regarding the impact that project has been in our territory, not only at the local scope, but in its reaches and repercussions on regional scale. In this sense, the city of Guadalajara and its metropolitan region, begins to incursionar itself with such strategies in their planning systems. At the moment, there are in the city, approximately more than 30 great urban-architectonic projects, that were conceived in last the two decades, exceeding the traditional urban patterns that had been held in the city and now that contrast both, in the urban environment as in their architectonic expressions. As cases studies are for analysis are the following projects: Las Villas Panamericanas, the JVC Center (under construction), the Guggenhiem museum and Puerta Guadalajara (in projection). Projects that have largely been driven by the government, together with a large participation of private capital, so that, implemented the present instruments of planning, have played an important role so that, through them, are justified and realized these ambitious projects in benefit of private sectors. To accomplish our objective, it will be analyze and reflect, on the challenges that exist in the planning, to give solution to the diverse existing urban conflicts. In this way, it is tried to contribute to the discussion about whether the intervention and construction of great projects, are or not, an instrument that constitutes a form to give answer to these problems and to give an impulse to the development of the city. To accomplish ur objective, will analyze each case, under two central points: The general characteristics of the construction process of projects. Policies and instruments of urban planning in place. From these points, will try to explain some of the various transformation processes that appear in the shaping of the urban space. He is undeniable, that behind these projects and forms of planning, are hidden various economic and political interests. The numerous investments which they are contemplated, lead to visualize them as new forms of speculation, outside or against previous the city-planning expositions, benefitting fundamentally to real estate sectors and leaving to a side the public interest.



