La percepción remota aplicada al análisis urbano-regional de la ciudad de México empleando imágenes ópticas Terra/Aster y Spot5


  • Erika García Contreras
  • Jorge Lira Chávez



Nowadays most of the population lives in large cities or megalopolis, which are of great interest to perform studies of cities using remote sensing methods. Mexico City is a metropolis with a large dynamic socio-economic, cultural, and services. This great dynamics is one of the main reasons that cause changes in the use of urban land. In this work, research should focus on the detection of the urban structures in Mexico City, using optical images Terra/Aster and Spot-5, by analyzing the following methodologies: (a) A model of texture-relief Terra/Aster images of bands 3B and 3N (Lira, 2009; Cuartero et al. 2005). (b) Segmentation and urban classification of urban structures such as: buildings, residential areas, industrial areas, as well as agricultural areas and green areas of Mexico City using textures operators (Lira and Rodríguez, 2006). (c) Generation of a Digital Elevation Model using stereoscopic pairs of sensor SPOT-5, to Mexico City from 2003-2006 dates. Identification of textural objects in Mexico City associated with different urban structures. Further, the impact of urban studies using image sensors Terra/Aster with spectral bands 3B and 3N, 15m2 and Spot-5 panchromatic 2.5m2, 5m2 and 10m2 in multispectral images. This diverse resolution can be of great interest to planners, and architects, making proposals for urban planning and thus complement studies site, studies in rural land-use change to urban, manifestations of environmental impact studies as well as a precise urban structures in any city worldwide segmentation.



