

  • Pau Queraltó Ros
  • Francesc Valls Dalmau
  • Rolando Mauricio Biere Arenas




This paper is the result of the work developed under the PATRAC Project (Accessible Heritage: R&D+innovation for a culture without obstacles) for the development a software tool capable of solving optimal routes in urban areas, considering parameters for the evaluation of its physical accessibility such as slope, narrow passages, low height clearance and insufficient lighting. The development of this tool is a methodological innovation on the creation and rectification of data sources since it generates information from a Laser Terrestrial Scanner (LTS) point cloud output, corrected using advanced Geographical Information Systems (GIS) technologies. This cartographical information, corresponding to the city of Tossa de Mar old town, is the reference used by the GIS optimal route solver which allows the user to find the best route between two points of interest in the old town. The development of the solver has required an initial analysis of the accessibility status of the study area followed by programming tasks to integrate the acceptable values of slope, width, height and lighting, among others, into the optimal route solver parameters so they are evaluated when performing its optimization tasks. The end result is a web application that allows the user to find the optimal route between any two points of interest considering his or her disability. In addition to the graphical information of the optimal route plan, the application shows the user the length of the route and displays a 3D video following the route path, created from the 3D model generated from the Laser Terrestrial Scanner.



