Áreas metropolitanas, competencias, capacidades y procesos, hacia una gobernabilidad y gobernanza eficaz; la Bahía de Banderas, México


  • Jorge Ignacio Chavoya Gama
  • Héctor Javier Rendón Contreras




The economic transformations of the last two decades have resulted in new and profound processes of territorial reorganization, involving from new location patterns of urban activity, until the appearance of significant changes in the role of metropolitan areas. Within this framework, all assumed that the growth of Latin American cities are responding to the phenomenon of "polycentrism" characterized by the emergence of territorial districts authorized by private investment and open a growing role, maintaining the dynamic concentrator (both productive and demographic) and expanding its growth, where perhaps the most characteristic feature is the formation of a multinuclear scheme. A polycentric approach of this type within metropolitan areas will also need an effective metropolitan governance. This article examines the skills, capabilities and management processes necessary for the effective development of the territory and the metropolitan level, and metropolitan governance models which could be considered to achieve, he examines the case of Bahía de Banderas, México.



