Ciudad urbótica contemporánea: urbanística y nuevas tecnologías al servicio de la calidad del espacio y los servicios urbanos


  • Walter Barberis



New technologies in urban areas have a strong impact on the quality of life of citizens, city users, tourists, but also on the efficiency of enterprises, public services and the attractiveness for new investments. All these conditions place the cities in a more or less advantageous position of a virtual global map. Competitive cities attract resources, human capital, and creativity and drive the economic and socio-cultural growth. The biggest challenge we are facing is the management, control and design of cities supported on almost entirely virtual instruments. Virtual city does not replace in any way the actual city. It only improve it of complexity and intangible components. In contrast, traditional governance models become obsolete to find large new flows of information circulating in real time. The use of new and modern technologies in the field of urban planning (in the management of the territory) involves a radical change in the logic of public sector intervention. The concept of Urbótica, that is, the development of integrated intelligent systems for the city, makes compulsory the need to rethink the logic of intervention in the urban context, it is not automatically added to the management and control of the city (as in the case of the speed relay, emission of pollutants, etc.) but a radical re-thinking that starts from the analysis, the design, implementation, commissioning and evaluating the whole process. In this work we propose to delineate high tech urban development scenarios, where the complexity arises from the superposition of the physical city with the new virtual one. We will not rely on defined territorial areas, but in a theoretical model that relates the following subject areas: - Urban services; - Public transport; - Management of private transport; - Urban Security; - Citizen information systems; - Monitoring and assessment of urban system. The result is a complex structure but simply to be read that will identify critical points in the encounter between the traditional urban system and the possible virtual one. We strongly believe that this is, today more than ever, the first step in the redefinition of government policies and land use planning. The development of urban scenarios based on high tech development (urbótica) is a possible alternative of intervention on unplanned city. In developing the document will try to show how new technologies available today can be combined so as to improve the urban quality in the city informal, irregular, scattered city, which follows rules of settlement and forms of sensible relation to the implementation of devices capable of interacting with both citizens and planners, so that is reactive to the urbótica.



