Condiciones habitacionales y urbanísticas de la población inmigrada en la Región Metropolitana de Barcelona


  • Blanca Alexandra Gutiérrez Valdivia
  • Adriana Ciocoletto
  • M. Pilar Garcia-Almirall
  • Zaida Muxí Martínez
  • Pau Queraltó Ros



In the last decade both the Catalan cities as the rest of Spain, has undergone major changes in their physical and social morphology due to the arrival of large immigrant populations. This population is located in specific areas of our cities and has a residential settlement patterns different from the native population. Furthermore, the characteristics of their homes and their use of public space are different from the rest of the population. This paper will delve into the use by the immigrant population of public space in the metropolitan area of Barcelona, what public spaces and what equipment they use and if they fit their daily needs, what variables have the greatest impact in this application (age, gender, origin), as this population interacts with the rest of the neighborhood population, and what kinds of uses made of public space, and how are the physical and social space .... It will try to detail more succinctly what characteristics housing for this population: how are their homes and how to access it. The territorial scope of the research is the metropolitan area of Barcelona. The research is conducted in different districts of the RMB with different urban and demographic characteristics, but they have in common that have a concentration of immigrant population than the average of the RMB. The methodology is a combination of quantitative and qualitative.



