Efectos territoriales de los procesos de privatización de las infraestructuras: el caso de los ferrocarriles del estado y el proyecto ferro-viario de alta velocidad


  • Mario Cerasoli




Since the mid-'80s, infrastructural public companies had to be converted into private com-panies. If it is true that the EU-directives on privatization were created to regulate markets and com-petition, it does not seem they have adequately considered the impacts that privatization would have on the territory. Actually, there have been significant impacts on the territory in terms of development and planning of railway networks and management of passenger and cargo transport. This document describes the progress of a research that is being developed at the Department of Ur-ban Studies, University “Roma Tre”, which aims at testing the hypothesis that the privatization of the infrastructural company produced unforeseen territorial impacts. Through a multidisciplinary approach, the research mainly focus on the evolution of the competency framework for planning/programming and construction/management of infrastructure (both before and after the Directive n.91/440/CEE), with special reference to the relationship between actors involved in planning and those dealing with infrastructure, comparing Italy with other European countries. The case study concerns the state railways, with a focus on High-Speed Rail Project (TAV), and the condition of the remaining local railway network. The research aims to defining a general overview of the advantages and disadvantages – expected and unexpected – that the implementation of EU directives on infrastructures privatization has had on the territory, seen as a complex phenomenon that combines social, economic and environmental ob-jectives in a continuous and reciprocal relationship that constitutes the backgrounds of our life. A possible result for this job will be to identify possible corrective measures to the privatization proc-ess, in terms of implementation of EU directives, revision of the administrative framework dealing with infrastructure and revision of the land construction process.



