Formación de la ciudad red en la frontera sur de México a través del establecimiento de comunidades migrantes


  • Emilio Isaac Té Figueroa



This paper presents a proposal for urban studies about the situation in Mexico‟s south border which arises from migration of the last decades causing the transformation of urban space. This job aims to get a characterization of the problem by learning from concepts and ideas established in former investigations related with actual conditions observed. Investigation focuses in analyzing the city system‟s structure in Quintana Roo‟s south border trough establishment and development of migrant communities and its possible tendency to conform an interdependent network system. The main observation that led to an approach to the problem is related with the constant growth of cities and city space leading to new forms of spatial occupation and demand new theorical models for planning. This dynamic is particularly seen as a nodal based system known as a network city, mainly defined by policentricity a concept that refers to the existence of a number of urban centers in a certain area establishing complementary functions, deriving in a relationship of interdependence. The analysis of this situation in the region allows to propose that the geographical characteristics of the urban centers in the south border of the state of Quintana Roo trough the establishment of migrant people in communities nearby Chetumal city, capitol of Quintana Roo, stimulates the formation of an urban system that functions as an interdependent network articulated in nodes with a constant and intense of goods, services and workers‟ flow; the way this communities develops it‟s mainly due to constant migration encouraged by government. The geographic characteristics of these communities as satellital cities and labor market in them within the context of policentricity makes this study plausible.



