Classification and information structure of the Terrestrial Laser Scanner: methodology for analyzing the registered data of Vila Vella, historic center of Tossa de Mar


  • Juan Manuel Corso Sarmiento
  • Josep Roca Cladera



This paper presents a methodology for an architectural survey, based on the Terrestrial Laser Scanning technology TLS, not as a simple measurement and representation work, but with the purpose understanding the projects being studied, starting from the analysis, as a process of distinction and separation of the parts of a whole, in order to know their principles or elements. As a case study we start from the Vila Vella recording, conducted by the City’s Virtual Modeling Laboratory in 2008, being taken up from the start, in relation to the registration, georeferencing, filtering and handling. Aimed at a later stage of decomposition and composition of data, in terms of floor plan and facades, using semiautomatic classification techniques, for the detection of vegetation as well as the relationship of the planes of the surfaces, leading to reorganize the information from 3D data to 2D and 2.5D, considering information management, as well as the characteristics of the case study presented, in the development of methods for the construction and exploitation of new databases, to be exploited by the Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing.
