Imaginarios urbanos de una ciudad transfronteriza y su expresión en internet


  • Adolfo Benito Narváez Tijerina



This article is about the asymmetries between the images of the architectures and of the Mexican’s and USA’s cities of the net-city Reynosa-McAllen-Matamoros-Brownsville, in the context of the development of the imaginaries of conflict, fruit of the forced contact of the Americans and the Mexicans. It is developed the idea that the large urbanization that now occupies trans-frontiers spaces and its architectures at the level of streets, will be the future scenario of conflict for the claim of old offenses, these imaginaries are expressed in specific urban forms. We study a genealogy of architecture and urban design from both sides of the border through its expression on the Internet, to establish the elements that represent a clash of ideas that makes remarkably divergent territorial both sides of the US-Mexico border.
