Un urbanismo depredador


  • Cecilia O´Shee




The uncertainty in the design and construction, move their consequences to the city generating a negative impact on the city comes from it. This makes me reflect about measures that would be taken along with a change of mind on the incorporation of missing values, under an ethical view of design and its environment. Slowly, it has developed a chaotic urban infrastructure, resulting in a failure to take measures to run both road appearance, building, and the services in general, a process that today takes the form of an almost slowing unmanageable traffic and in the future, with the commissioning of these buildings (energy intensive) will be affected the quality of life of those living in urban areas nearby. Hipólito Irigoyen street is an urban edge that makes the difference of jurisdiction between the district of Godoy Cruz and Capital. The implementation of the FOT and FOS makes a clear intention to achieve higher density, a fact that impacts differently in that meeting and becomes the visible example of these questions
