Pratiche di mobilitá e fonti digitali: opportunità e limiti dei dati di traffico telefonico


  • Paola Pucci



Changes in mobility practices are a useful tool to describe urban transformations in times, places, social life and work programs, as well as a structural element of contemporary cities. This is because mobility is cause and consequence of changes in the organization of everyday life (Urry, 2000). With the aim to reading the density of urban spaces usages and urban mobility practices, a valid support of conventional urban analysis methods comes from digital data sources (mobile phone data, ICT, digital traces acquired by social media).This paper focuses on the potentialities and limits offered by mobile phone data to a reading of the site practices and rhythms of usage of the contemporary city by identifying the principal mobile practices of different urban populations in Milan Urban Region. Starting from the results of a research carried out at the Dastu, Politecnico di Milano, using mobile phone data provided by Telecom Italia (Manfredini, Pucci & Tagliolato, 2012 and 2013) we will demonstrate how new maps, based on the processing of mobile phone data can represent spatialized urban practices and how they can give new insights for analyze space-time patterns of mobility practices. In the paper, the identification of temporary urban populations through mobile phone data (density of the calls and origin - destination traces of the calls) has not only a knowing purpose, but it is the condition for recognize new claims referred to “communities of practice”, by which to build mobility policies incisive, also because not generalist.



