Entornos virtuales de ciudad: SIG, modelos 3D y simulaciones de alta definición


  • Rolando Mauricio Biere Arenas
  • Nicolas Colaninno




The current situation of cities, the densification of their urban areas, as well as the complexity of their activities and the transformation of their historic canters, are questions that require a complex analysis, previous to decide their transformation. From this perspective, in recent years, the Information Technology and Communication (ICT) have meant a fundamental advance as an evolution of the traditional tools, not only of analysis but also of representation, visualization and simulation of urban and architectural environments. Diverse cities and territories have developed Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to manage their data, as well as 3D virtual models, as tools to help in confronting these processes of management. The management of an ever greater volume of data and its constant changes, requires a greater efficacy in its control, and for this the generation of these virtual models, arises like a strategy of integral knowledge of reality, useful for users and administrations with territorial competences to visualize the characteristics of reality, by means of the integration of GIS and Virtual Reality tools in high definition interactive, territorial, urban, historic and archaeological environments, so which lead the citizen to the best knowledge of their environment, not to forget its origin and understand the true meaning of it as a place. The application of formulas and precise algorithms to generate models of architectural elements, allows for the analysis of its constructive and structural logics. In this sense the use of precision instruments such as laser scanners, in obtaining data of the reality, permits contrasting these formulae rapidly and efficiently, evaluating its performance and taking measures in order to predict the possible collapse of buildings, for the application of image, processing techniques on the models and resources for incorporate animation and interactive navigation, in architectural and urban scale.



