Perché e come promuovere la camminabilitá urbana a partire dalle esigenze degli abitanti piú svantaggiati: il progetto "Extrapedestri. Lasciati conquistare dalla mobilità aliena!"
Contemporary city is a car-friendly city. Those who cannot or do not want to use a car are not
capable to fully exercise their fundamental urban right to access and to use the public spaces
and the streets.
In this paper, we argue that it is possible to make more effective policies aimed at building
walkable cities making reference to the desires and needs of disadvantaged groups. In
particular, we concentrate on children as one of the most vulnerable groups of inhabitants of the
city. The role children can play in improving urban quality of life is fundamental, for a number of
reasons, most important of which, for the purpose of this paper, is their "capability of
disobedience" which might be used as a force of urban transformation.
Then, we present one project through which we try to promote the urban walkability of the city of
Sassari starting from children's involvement: "ExtraPedestrians: let yourself be conquered by
the 'alien' mobility".