Graffiti, afterwards known as postgraffiti, being considered within the various sociocontemporary
urban phenomenons, are among those with the greatest impact and participation
in the public sphere. Although, it´s authenticity is not officially recognized by the social sector,
these subversive ways of being in the city, speak of a force that builds identities both as equity
and imaginary over time. Postgraffiti, beyond its critical or communicative intent within the
spaces of a city, pay off the strengthening of the growing material industries, but also influence
the identity, tourist attraction of the city and the use of public spaces, adding to it a citizenship
Postgraffiti creativity has been leaving surprisive trails that invite the public to reflect on how
cities are living, giving value to the common areas and its importance that can have as a
territory with potential alternatives. The postgraffti images, expand the communicative potential
of the visual language; seen as an expression placed in the contemporary city landscapes or
public spaces, take along a sociocultural dimension and community expression.