How can we deal with requalification process in parts of the city which are no longer based on
the “relation among residential-area and primary elements” and where the house has become
the rappresentative memory of programs and ideals of the State? Concentrating on the 60' and 70' period in Italy it is clear a joined intent of the administration and the architects to create a
neat and iconographic image of the protective and directive role of the State towards its citizen,
through the designing of large, unitary social housing, often off the normal urban scale and
isolated by the rest of the city. This season, highlighted by compositive experience in sharp
contrapposition with the “ordinary” vision of the city, reach its maximal expression in “great sign
design” that tends to an equivalence between architectural typology and urban morphology. The
first merit that have to be acknowlegde to those project is to have been a representative of
collective vocations through a high valued iconographical design. A second valor to be confered
to this period is its vocation on being a laboratory for both architectural and urban
experimentation. Question we are facing is, then, if it is possibile to start over on those two
intrinsic values, seep through the lens of the european directives for sustainable renewal of the
cities, for a reinterpretation of the large housing estates in order to give them back to their
peculiar potential and to make the the center of regenerations of the city itself.