Las relaciones trabajo-sociedad: un “nuevo hombre” y una “nueva” sociedad para Volta Redonda


  • Renata Oliveira Assis
  • Regina Esteves Lustoza



This paper presents considerations in respect of the relations between work-society that led to understand the ideology of the Government of Getúlio Vargas in Brazil with the emergent of the "new man" and a "new” society in Volta Redonda, in Rio de Janeiro State, through the construction of the Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional - CSN and the Workers ' Village. Reproduction and social stratification in the capitalist system can be reflected in the hierarchies established in the spatial distribution of the population in Volta Redonda, which taught the different types of relationships that those established among individuals. Relations of dependency and subordination that were reproduced in the urban space. The construction of the Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional and its Workers ' Village was an effort in the history of Brazilian society in transforming the field man in an urban citizen worker. For the realization of this objective in order to put it into practice, in the industrial complex located in Volta Redonda, the social changes needed for the design of the "new man", which would be exalted in his work and submissive to a nationalist system. The article tried to understand the construction of the urban space, through a concrete experience that was the draft of the CSN and the Workes Village in Volta Redonda.



