Urban Interventions with A Sustainability Focus: Strategy Against Informality in Montería, Colombia





Urban projects, urban informality, strategic public transport system


The main objective of this research is to analyze the urban interventions carried out after the approval of the first territorial planning plan of Montería (POT) in 2002 and its urban effects, mainly interventions designed to correct urban imbalances associated with informality in transport (motorcycle taxi), informal commerce and inappropriate use of public space. The work approach is quantitative and qualitative; on one hand, data on informality and urban projects are presented, and on the other hand, their effects are analyzed at urban and social levels. The methodology includes documentary technique and field technique. The first corresponds to a review of the territorial planning plan, municipal development plans, institutional reports and publications. The second corresponds to the participant observation and photographic records that allow verifying the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of the mentioned interventions. The sources of information used are, among others: POT of Montería 2002-2015 and the development plans 2001-2003; 2004-2007; 2008-2011; 2012-2015 and 2016-2019.

Among the results are: I) Social, urban and economic indicators of the city of Monteria before 2002, presented in the POT diagnosis and description of the five main long-term strategies of this plan, which allowed establishing the roadmap for the formulation of future development plans; II) The description of the main urban projects and interventions programmed in the development plans of the mayors Luis Jiménez Espitia, León Fidel Ojeda, Marcos Daniel Pineda García, twice, and Carlos Eduardo Correa. III) “Friendly Cities” Program as a strategy for efficient mobility and public transport of passengers of the National Development Plan 2006-2010 “Community State: development for all” approved by Law 1151 of 2007 and the incorporation of Montería to this program through CONPES document No. 3638 of February 1, 2010. IV) Climate Change Master Plan (PMCC) and the Action Plan 2032, Sustainable Monteria, as supports to achieve the inclusion of this city in the “Sustainable and Competitive Cities” program, which promotes the sustainable urban mobility; V) Projects "Strategic Public Transport System" (SETP), "Ronda del Sinú" and "Línea azul", and its effects on the offer of public space and urban mobility.

The projects programmed in the post-POT development plans have contributed to partially reduce informal trade activities on the center's platforms, showing significant progress in urban indicators. The execution of these managed to increase the supply of public space from 1.66 square meters per inhabitant to 3.46, build and rebuild 133 parks, recover 144.604 square meters of platforms, construction of 30 kilometers of bicycle lanes and pedestrianization of two streets in the center and north of the city. The mobility for the pedestrian improved completely on the first avenue and partially on the second, third, fourth and fifth avenues, where some old merchants are still maintained and new vendors and / or motorcycle taxi drivers arrived.

One of the conclusions of this work expresses that, the projects and interventions designed with a sustainability approach contributed to improve the environmental and urban quality of the city and the quality of life of its inhabitants, but failed to change the habits of the monterians in the use of transport, mainly those related to the obstinacy to use the informal transport of the motorcycle taxi, the unnecessary use of the motorcycle and the repeated use of the car in lanes destined for buses, which obviously increases emissions and does not contribute to the sustainable mobility that It is intended with the vision of Green City. This article, as a result of research funded by Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, not only describes the urban projects of five periods of the municipal administration, but also analyzes their relevance, continuity and effectiveness at the urban, social and mobility levels. There is currently no evidence of similar work in this City., although there are reports, press releases and scientific papers with partial approaches. It is aimed at the academic and scientific community interested in this type of studies.

Author Biographies

Jhon William Pinedo López, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, sede Montería

Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas Contables y Afines. Profesor Investigador

Carmen Lora Ochoa, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Sede Montería

Profesor investigador Facultad de Derecho.


