International Scientific Committee

Standing Committee

Mario Cerasoli. Ph.D. Architect. Assistant Professor in the Department of Architecture. Member of the Scientific Committee of MAREF. University of Roma Tre (Italy). 

Héctor Gaete Feres. Ph.D. Architect. Academic and researcher at the Faculty of Architecture, Construction and Design. University of Bío-Bío (Chile). 

Rudolf Giffinger. Ph.D. Geographer. Professor and researcher at the SRF Centre of Regional Science, Vienna University of Technology (Austria).

Daniel González Romero. Ph.D. Architect. Associate Professor of University Centre for Art, Architecture and Design. Director of CIMA. University of Guadalajara (Mexico).

Josep Roca Cladera. Ph.D. Architect. Full Professor of Department of Architectural Technology (TA). Director of CPSV. Technical University of Catalonia (Spain). 

José António Tenedório. Ph.D. Geographer. Associate Professor of the Department of Geography and Regional Planning. Researcher at CIS.NOVA. New University of Lisbon (Portugal).

Current edition Committee 

Carlos Marmolejo Duarte. Ph.D. Architect. Associate Professor of Department of Architectural Technology (TA). Researcher at CPSV. Technical University of Catalonia (Spain). 

Juan Eduardo Chica Mejía. Ph.D. Architect. Professor and Junior Researcher at the Faculty of Arts and Design. Jorge Tadeo Lozano University (UJTL). Bogota Colombia). 

Pablo Andrés Gómez Granda. Ph.D. Architect. Philosopher. Professor and researcher, Faculty of Arts and Design. University of Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano (UJTL) Bogotá, Colombia.

Darío Vanegas Vargas. Ph.D.(c). Architect. Professor and researcher, Faculty of Arts and Design. University of Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano (UJTL) Bogotá, Colombia.

Alfredo Montaño Bello. March. Architect. Professor and researcher, Faculty of Arts and Design. University of Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano (UJTL) Bogotá, Colombia.

Diana María Blanco Ramírez. March. Architect Professor and researcher, Faculty of Arts and Design. Jorge Tadeo Lozano University (UJTL), Caribbean Section, Colombia.

Rodrigo Arteaga. Ph.D.(c). Architect. Professor and researcher, Faculty of Arts and Design. Jorge Tadeo Lozano University (UJTL), Caribbean Section, Colombia.

Yarleys Pulgarín Osorio. Ph.D. Architect. Professor and researcher, Faculty of Habitat Sciences. University of La Salle. Bogota Colombia.

Ana Patricia Montoya Pino. Ph.D. Architect. Professor and researcher. Coordinator of the Editorial Center for Urban Studies (IEU). General Editorial of the Cities, States and Politics Magazine. National university of Colombia. Bogota Colombia.

Monica Marcela Suarez Pradilla. Ph.D. Civil Engineer. Professor and researcher, Civil Engineering. Julio Garavito Colombian School of Engineering. Bogota Colombia.

Juan Guillermo Yunda. Ph.D. Architect. Professor and researcher, School of Architecture and Design. Pontifical Javeriana University. Bogota Colombia.

Ana Elena Builes Vélez. MA. Product design engineer. Coordinator of Advanced Training and Research, School of Architecture and Design. Pontifical Bolivarian University (UPB). Medellin Colombia.

Luis Miguel Ríos Betancur. MA. Architect. Professor and researcher. Transfer Coordinator Architecture facuilty. Pontifical Bolivarian University (UPB). Medellin Colombia.

Carolina Salguero Mejía. Ph.D. Visual designer. Professor and researcher, Doctorate in Design and Creation. Caldas University. Manizales, Colombia.

Mario Humberto Valencia García. Ph.D. Systems Engineer. Professor and researcher, Doctorate in Design and Creation. Caldas University. Manizales, Colombia.

Juan Diego Gallego Gómez. Ph.D. Industrial designer. Professor and researcher, Doctorate in Design and Creation. Caldas University. Manizales, Colombia.

Walberto Lucas Badillo Jiménez. Ph.D.(c). Architect. Professor and researcher, School of Architecture, Urbanism and Design. Northern University. Barranquilla, Colombia.

Tania Isabel Jiménez Castilla. Ph.D. Economist. Dean Institute of Studies in Development, Economy and Sustainability - IDEEAS. Technological University of Bolívar. Cartagena Colombia.

Bertha Lucia Arnedo Round. Ph.D.(c). Social communicator. Postgraduate Coordinator, Faculty of Social Sciences and Education. University cartagena. Cartagena Colombia.

Julio Amézquita López. Ph.D.(c) CREMTE (UHU). Industrial Engineer. Director Institute of Public, Regional and Government Policies. University of Cartagena. Cartagena, Colombia.

Diego Fabián Bolaños Sarria. MA(c). Architect. Dean Faculty of Architecture. University Foundation of Popayán (FUP). Popayán, Colombia.

Gustavo Angel Vera March. Architect. Director of the Architecture program, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universidad del Cauca. Popayán, Colombia.

Juan Carlos Diaz Realpe. March. Architect. Professor and researcher, Faculty of Civil Engineering. University of Cauca. Popayán, Colombia.

Sory Alexander Morales Fernández. Ph.D.(c). Architect. Professor and researcher, Faculty of Arts and Design. University Institution Colegio Mayor del Cauca. Popayán, Colombia.

Elkin Darío Vargas López. MArch Architect. Regional Director of the Buro DAP Foundation for Latin America.

Walter José Castañeda Marulanda. Ph.D. Master in Plastic Arts. Kepes Magazine Editor. Director, Doctorate in Design and Creation. Caldas University. Manizales, Colombia.

Nelson Fernando Gonzales Martínez. Ph.D. Historian. Memories Magazine Editor. Professor and researcher, Department of History and Social Sciences. Northern University. Barranquilla, Colombia.

Olga Lucía Ceballos Ramos. March. Architect Director Editor Magazine Cuadernos de housing y urbanismo CVU. Professor and researcher, School of Architecture and Design. Pontifical Javeriana University. Bogota Colombia.

Participants on previous editions

Pedro Abramo. Ph.D. Economist. Professor of the Urban and Regional Research and Planning Institute. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). 

Blanca Arellano Ramos. Architect, M.Sc. Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture Technology (TA). Researcher of the CPSV. Polytechnic University of Catalonia (Spain)

Alejandro Pablo Arena. Ph.D. Engineer. Independent researcher, Faculty Reg. Mendoza. National Technological University, UTN, Mendoza (Argentina).

Cristina L. Arranz. Ph.D. Architect, Professor of the Architecture Degree, National University of Cuyo, UNCUYO, Mendoza (Argentina).

Rolando Biere Arenas. Architect, M.Sc. Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture Technology (TA). Researcher of the CPSV. Polytechnic University of Catalonia (Spain)

Javier Burón Cuadrado. M. Sc. Bachelor of Laws. Housing Manager, IMHAB CEO, Barcelona City Council (Spain)

Mateusz Gyurkovich. Dr. Engineer – Architect, Professor at the Institute of Urban Design, Faculty of Architecture, Technical University of Krakow (Poland).

Marylin Gudiño. Ph.D. Architect, Director of the Doctorate in Territorial Planning, National University of Cuyo, UNCUYO, Mendoza (Argentina).

Miriam López de Mendoza. Engineer Professor of the Architecture Degree, National University of Cuyo, UNCUYO, Mendoza (Argentina).

Maria Dolors Martinez Santafe. Dr, Physics. Associate Professor of the Department of Physics (FIS). Researcher at CPSV. Technical University of Catalonia (Spain).

Gustavo Massera. Ph.D. Bachelor of History. Professor and researcher at IMESC, National University of Cuyo, UNCUYO, Mendoza (Argentina).

Sandra Navarrete. Ph.D. Architect, Professor of the Architecture Degree, National University of Cuyo, UNCUYO, Mendoza (Argentina).

Adriana Olivares González. Dra. Architect. Research Professor at the University Centre of Art, Architecture and Design (CUAAD). University of Guadalajara (Mexico).

Ricardo R. Palma. Ph.D. Engineer, Professor of the Architecture Degree, National University of Cuyo, UNCUYO, Mendoza (Argentina).

María Teresa Pérez Bourzac. Dr, Architect. Research Professor at the University Centre of Art, Architecture and Design (CUAAD). University of Guadalajara (Mexico).

Nuno Pinto. Dr, Civil Engineer. Professor of Urbanism and Urban Design in the School of Environment, Education and Development. University of Manchester (U.K.).

Ernesto Redondo Domínguez. Dr. Architect. Associate Professor Department of Architectural Representation. Researcher GILDA. Technical University of Catalonia (Spain).

Estanislao Roca Blanch. Dr, Architect. Professor of the Department of Town Planning and Territorial Planning (DUOT). Technical University of Catalonia (Spain).

Josemaría Silvestro. Ph.D. Architect. Director of the Architecture and Urban Planning Laboratory, LAUM, National University of Cuyo, Mendoza (Argentina).