International Expo in Lodz: an opportunity or threat for the development of the city: impact of a cultural event on the spatial structure


  • Monika Maria Cysek-Pawlak



The presented study discusses the currently announced candidature of Lodz for the organization of the International Expo 2022 in the context of its impact on territory development and urban structure. The main goal of this work is to evaluate the role and importance of cultural events such as the International Expo in the process of shrinking cities regeneration. The methodology of research is based on the analysis of local and national initiatives taken in terms of Expo organization as well as urban policy. The study shows that the concept of Expo is in agreement with and completes current local projects including the New Center of Lodz, main railway station and the revitalization program. Moreover, this initiative is in line with new urban politics at a national level (Urban Renewal Act, National Urban Policy, National Strategy of Urban Renewal). Urban renewal, the central theme of the Expo 2022 in Lodz, opens new possibilities and may became a catalyst for the redevelopment of the degraded urban tissue. The Expo should not be treated as a single cultural event but it should rather be a long-term initiative constantly stimulating the city. The candidature of Lodz, in contrast to previous Expos located in the suburbs of cities, relies on the development of urban tissue located in the center of the city. The initiative of Expo 2022 will certainly promote the development of Lodz. With its main theme and localization, the Expo 2022 supports the model of compact city.



