Cuenca del Cebollatí: nuestro territorio, un proyecto compartido: formulación de las bases de ordenamiento territorial y desarrollo sostenible


  • Susana Martínez
  • Alessandra Benevides
  • Alejandro Falkenstein
  • Alma Varela
  • Matilde Saravia



This paper presents the results of an interdisciplinary analytical-propositional work that was made within the scope of Planning and Urban Development Master Studies (School of Architecture, Udelar). It shows a coordinated experience between the academia, national and local governments. The work takes as its unit of analysis and proposal the Cebollatí Basin, and its aims is to formulate the planning bases that enables the preservation of its natural and cultural resources as well as the appreciation of its identity and traditions. The work is developed within the scope of Planning and Sustainable Development Law that defines new guidelines and institutional roles in this subject. In this context, the construction of planning policies for the Basin involved a participatory process, like a jolt of traditions, voices and feelings, which is new in Uruguay.



