De río y pradera, monte y chacra, puerto y fábrica: paisaje y patrimonio en el litoral del Río Uruguay


  • Walter Daniel Castelli



Reading of the history of the territory through their forms, and understanding of the concept of heritage at the level of the territory, from the territorial identities of the "Litoral del Río Uruguay" region. Observation of various modes of interchange between water and earth, sensed elements of this territory, and the multiplicity of forms built as a place of life and work, by resident human communities. Two cases, illustrative of the history of cattle, leather and meat, that from common roots have developed different processes, building the diversity of this profile of regional cultural landscape. Two other examples, from the history of growers communities, enrich the appreciation modes of this region as a cultural landscape, from this specific profile concerning the history of agriculture. One last case, exemplifying a catalogue of cultural resources to guide understanding the territorial heritage of a place and the proposal of touristicheritage circuit projects for development.



