Os inventários de jardins históricos e a construção das fichas de cadastro complementar para o Sistema Integrado de Conhecimento e Gestão – SICG


  • Mônica de Medeiros Mongelli
  • Andrey Schlee




The historic gardens are a type of landscape asset that require specific treatment due to its peculiarities as part of the historic and artistic heritage. This paper presents a way to characterize and describe them, through inventory forms established for the Integrated System for Knowledge and Management - SICG. This is a federal tool being developed by the National Historic and Artistic Heritage Institute – IPHAN / Ministry of Culture - Brazil Government, in order to create a georeferenced network for information, promotion and preservation of the brazilian cultural heritage. Since 2006, IPHAN has been developing the SICG methodology. Initially, it was applied through forms drawn up in Word and Excel programs, for the purpose of studying and managing the cultural heritage. From 2011 on, a free platform software for the cultural heritage began to be developed and, in 2012, the complementary registration form for Historic Gardens was finally elaborated and will be presented here.



