No. 12 (2023): Cultural Landscapes of Colombia

					View No. 12 (2023): Cultural Landscapes of  Colombia

This monographic issue of the journal Identidades was conceived, like its predecessors, dedicated to Uruguay, Brazil and Chile, with the aim of
Uruguay, Brazil and Chile, with the intention of offering a deliberate look at the cultural landscapes of Colombia, which would recover the definition
cultural landscapes of Colombia, recovering the definition conceived at the time by Carl Sauer, which we explain as that Carl Sauer, which we explain as that intense relationship between habitat and habits, that imprint of the work on the territory.
of the work on the territory.
For this purpose, we invited some people, several dear friends, all of them good connoisseurs of diverse and rich and friends, all of them connoisseurs of diverse and rich encounters of landscapes and landscapes, to explore the enormous complexity of this territory the enormous complexity of this territory, immersed between oceans and jungles and crossed by three mountain ranges
mountain ranges that give rise to the valleys of the Cauca and Magdalena rivers. From these valleys we were invited us on an excursion, which aims to recover patrimonial identities, to recognize the path between the Andes and the rivers, the
the path between the Andes and the rivers, which sows cultures along its course.
Exploring Colombia's cultural landscapes as a whole would have been a very ambitious challenge for an issue of our magazine.
ambitious for an issue of our magazine. That is why the adventure along rivers, valleys, lagoons, ridges and mountains, sometimes on foot, by vehicle or train, or guided imaginatively by maps, had to be
maps, had to delimit a complex and exuberant cultural landscape of wetlands and páramos.


Published: 2024-05-15
