Sun and Shadow, 1955. Five works by Josep Maria Sostres that learnt from a book




Marcel Breuer, Josep M. Sostres, Bi-nuclear Houses, Mannerism.


It is possible to trace the wake of the book Sun and Shadow (1955) throughout the production of an entire generation of Spanish architecture of the 50s. Sostres would write one of his best critical essays about Marcel Breuer, Architectural Creation and Mannerism (1955), in which he would recognize: “We do not believe, however, that fidelity to the work of a great master excludes a personal contribution and even a personal poetics”. A poetics that can only be validated from the work, and that would place five works of the Catalan architect in the shadow of the legacy of the American architect.

Author Biography

Carolina Beatriz Garcia Estevez, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona, ETSAB - UPC

Departamento de Teoría e Historia de la Arquitectura y Técnicas de la Comunicación (THATC).

Profesora asociada de Historia del Arte y la Arquitectura.


