
QRU 14: Urban peripheries (call for papers)

One of the most relevant challenges of the contemporary city is the need to act on
territories in which urban habitability conditions are deficient and/or deficient
that make them places with urban precariousness. Fragile and vulnerable from various
points of view: environmental, economic and social, they are often due to their configurations
physical and morphological. These conditions occur in different locations, for different reasons.
reasons and at different levels. Also these places have multiple denominations and
they need specific performances drawn from a possible, broad and increasingly
generic of solutions but that also need new perspectives and the invention of
new strategies and instruments
The study and analysis of the processes and dynamics, and of the morphological expressions in which
occur are necessary for their recognition and characterization. Also
the formulation of proposals and dissemination of useful good practices for urban regeneration
of these “urban peripheries”. This issue is presented as an opportunity for reflection
on these topics, to which we invite researchers to participate
with their contributions, through research articles and dissemination of good practices,
from morphological, theoretical, historical, ecological, social or economic approaches, in
different areas of the world and at different scales.
The texts, which will be submitted to peer review, must have an approximate length
of 7,500 words, including notes and bibliography, and can be written in Spanish, Catalan,
English and Portuguese. The publication regulations can be found at the following link:

Submissions will be received until November 1st, 2022.