City forecasts

Urban recovery essay of Ciudad Pachacutec in Ventanilla


  • Jean Paul Sihuenta Otiniano Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)



The actions in self-built settlements will go through preeminent topics that will correspond to define issues with the physical quality of the cities. Through the selection of different forecasts that relate aspects such as connectivity, public space, services and equipment, the study of three correlated lessons for the urban recovery of this type of cities is proposed.

The research focuses on Ciudad Pachacutec, located in the district of Ventanilla, Peru. With a variety of ecosystems and significant demographic and anthropic changes. It focuses on three prominent authors in the areas of roads, open spaces and centralities. It starts with a multiscale and disciplinary approach to the place. Subsequently, it follows the guidelines for the analysis of the sector and its immediate context related to the theoretical approach of the authors represented by the three connected essays.

The study presents a reading of convergence of the three essays by means of a scheme that represents the structured and staged bases for their application in similar contexts. Finally, an approach is made from the application of the bases in the case study for urban recovery or as a starting point for the support of future criteria that will define the maturation of these cities.





