Sobre espacio público y su proyecto urbano


  • Estanislao Roca Blanch
  • Miquel Martí Casanovas



Barcelona has been since the beginning of the eighties an exceptional laboratory in order to study the public space renewal, through both redesign processes and strategic urban projects. Meanwhile, the Architectural School of Barcelona has tied its teaching and research to the urban transformation of the city, which has produced a rich reflection on urban projects, through courses and publications. A result of this theoretical framework were some PhD dealing with public space, some of them concerning the recovering of more traditional public space in the compact city, some others studying new forms of open space in the metropolitan context. Following these first doctoral researches, a specific line on public space research was created. A comparative study on public space policies in European cities has been carried on and several PhD on current issues about public space have been started. Some of the studied subjects are: collective spaces in leisure artefacts, infrastructural nodes in metropolitan networks, large open spaces in river valleys, hybrid spaces in Asian cities, civic meaning of contemporary social spaces…



