Preservar lo


  • Núria Noguer Pujadas
  • Adolfo Sotoca García



The ongoing urban renewal of “Casas Baratas” of Bon Pastor is one of the several processes of transformation that have raised a controversial debate in the city of Barcelona. The dialectic between urban renewal and heritage preservations (physical, historical and social) is in the very core of the debate. The reasons to preserve the physical heritage have been often based on the architectural uniqueness or the typological value of urban fabric. In the “Casas Baratas” states of Barcelona, preservation cannot be defended for having singular architecture; however, from a typological point of view, they constitute very interesting urban fragments. Besides their great value as living heritage of a certain historic period of social housing in Barcelona, their particular morphology stimulated specific social uses of public space. This paper states their morphological value. And, by analysing the completed urban renewal processes, we aim to infer criteria for future interventions where renewal and preservation won’t be necessarily incompatible



