La reconquista urbana del espacio de proximidad: los patios interiores en el Eixample de Barcelona


  • Teresa Pazos Ortega



This paper applies an approach to the use and adaptability of the courtyards or interior open spaces (IOS) of Barcelona’s Eixample city blocks. A number of city block IOS were selected as models to asses, via direct observation, their functionality within the general system of open spaces. The objective was to evaluate the functionality of the spaces, intensity of use, developed activities, relationship with other IOS and external urban elements, as well as users’ profiles and behaviours. Direct observation was completed with qualitative surveys to find out attitudes, purposes and preferences of regular users. The results provide useful information for the design of new IOS and the maintenance of current ones. They also confirm that the efforts made by the City Council both economically and management are worthwhile and should continue to be made: the benefits outweigh the burdens



