Ruas emergentes: tendências morfológicas e processos de transformação


  • João Silva Leite



The consolidation of the automobile as a preferential vehicle for the movement of people and goods, linked with fragmented urban growth processes, caused intense transformations on the twentieth century city and its fabric. As an organism, its complexity has increased, the body is composed of a growing number of elements, systems, dynamics and layers, which make it difficult to read and decipher. The high mobility infrastructure axes play an important role in the conservation of some morphological links, affirming themselves as organizing elements of the territory. Its canal space is colonized by a constant urbanization that acquires specific characteristics, defining its own identity. So, from this emerge some linear elements capable of supporting urban fabric and, simultaneously, allowing mobility between distinct parts of the territory. In this sense, the study of the transformation process of these linear elements consolidates their understanding as emerging trends of the Street and contributes to the systematization of a phenomenon improving and creating new mechanisms of an urban production more balanced and conscious of its contemporary paradigms.



