Bonitas vías frente al mar


  • Inés Fábregas Riverola
  • Joaquín Sabaté Bel



In many coastal cities it is quite common to find a heavy traffic route that runs parallel to the seafront and hinders access to it. This is the case of not only Barcelona, but also Lisbon, Genoa, Nice and Porto in Europe; or Montevideo, Rio de Janeiro, Valparaiso, Lima and Havana in Latin America; Istanbul, Alexandria, Boston, Santa Monica or Hong Kong, in the rest of the world. There are numerous cases, and it is expected to be so, because there are topological reasons that facilitate the emergence of these circulation axes along the coast, despite the inconveniences that they imply. Attending to its strategic value for the correct operation of the urban and territorial road system, is it possible to delete or integrate them properly? On an attempt to answer this question, this article will expose the different forms adopted by these roads and their relationship with the city and the sea.



