La vivienda de nuevo: indagaciones urbanísticas sobre las tramas residenciales de la ciudad contemporánea


  • Francisco Peremiquel Lluch



From the urban perspective, housing and residential urban space, the study of the plots, the habitability of outer space, close and daily, it seems that it does not have the research attention it deserves.The city as a delimited and recognizable unit has disappeared. It is an immense periphery, composed of diverse urban fragments, with different levels of urbanity and urbanization, many of them vulnerable. Often, urban deficiencies encourage the physical and social degradation of tissue, producing large imbalances.The morphological approach relies on form, geometry and measurement, as a response to urban challenges. Sustainability is played in the measure and optimized geometry of urban things. The quality of the form is what allows the survival in time and provides the necessary flexibility to adapt to change. The urban program is now generic, with little attention to the place, to the historical moment or to the resulting morphology, and pays more attention to viability than to future sustainability. The aim is to propose a paradigm shift: an urban program oriented towards lasting development.



