Regeneración urbano habitacional como herramienta para abordar la desigualdad territorial


  • Mónica Bustos Peñafiel



This document gives an account of the lines of interest developed by the researcher as a result of a professional career on urban-residential regeneration programs in the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development MINVU of Chile (since 2007), and its parallel performance as a member of the Institute of Housing (INVI) of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism (FAU) of the University of Chile since 2009. First, in order to give an account of the topics developed, and also to contextualise, the ministerial institution and the Chilean urban housing reality are described problems are exposed and alsohow, from various regeneration programs, they haves been approached at the level of public policies. Second, the diverse works, activities, researches and methodologies developed by the scholar as a member of the Institute of Housing are presented, exposing the topics that are currently the object of my interest, as well as some research progress.



