
  • Periferias urbanas
    No. 14 (2023)

    Quaderns de Recerca en Urbanisme (QRU) en su número 14 recoge trabajos de investigación que abordan el desafío de las periferias urbanas. Desde una visión global, las contribuciones a este número suponen la interpretación de una realidad compleja y diversa, que responde a la representación de ámbitos tan generalizables como específicos. La intención de organizar los trabajos aquí presentados no solo era la de reflexionar sobre periferias concretas, sino que también, sobre formas de aproximación en diferentes ámbitos y escalas, prototípicos y generalizables. Periferias que proliferan por el mundo y de las cuales aún hoy, se desconoce mucho de sus haberes y saberes.

  • water, city and territory
    No. 13 (2022)

    The relationships between water and territory are undeniable. It has been shown, from different approaches and disciplines, that this relationship conditions the way in which cities settle, grow and relate to their territories at a social, cultural, environmental and economic level. Water has served to accompany the development processes of cities, it allows it to be a conductor of the transformations of the territories over time. The studies that relate water and urbanization show the capacity for dominion, control, use –and abuse– that the human being has granted to this limited resource. As Michael Hough mentions, urbanization creates a new hydrological environment, in such a way that today it is inevitable to recognize that settlements alter the cycles and processes of water in the territories.

    The current climate crisis suggests immediate challenges that can be studied from urban planning, land and landscape planning, suggesting integrating the understanding of water from a more holistic and binding perspective. For this reason, the magazine QRU (Quaderns de Recerca en Urbanisme), dedicates the next issue to those who place water as an object of study in relation to the city, we invite researchers to contribute to this effort through articles of research that relate water to the city, the territory or the landscape, from morphological, theoretical, historical and ecological approaches, among others, in different areas of the world and at different scales.