WOMEN IN THE PARTICIPATORY PROCESSES OF REURBANIZATION OF THE POPULAR HABITAT. Scope of feminist urbanism in the Redevelopment of Villa 20 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.


  • Javiera Pavez Estrada Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo. Argentina
  • Claudia Oviedo Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo. Argentina
  • Anabella Roitman Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo. Argentina




When thinking about the place of women in the popular habitat management from feminism, questions arise: How these processes of social production were throughout history? How should a Feminist Urban Management be? What subjectivities matter? How are processes evaluated? This communication condenses the results obtained in the framework of an academic exercise with Urban Planning students, in which it was proposed to generate devices to measure and evaluate the role of women, as active political subjects, within an ongoing participatory process: the Integral Reurbanization Project (IRUP) of Villa 20 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. For this, an analysis of the proposed participatory management devices was carried out, through primary sources (interviews) and secondary sources (literature referred to the case). The experience resulted in the creation of three designs: the Feminist Timeline, the Interference Scheme, and the Evaluation of Gender Transversality, which together allowed the generation of a set of weighting of the process from a feminist and gender perspective.

Keywords: Feminist urbanism, Participation, Popular habitat, Urban management.




