Potential for implementing heritage parks




In the state of São Paulo, Brazil, the Piracicaba River Valley stands out for its agro-industry, cultural diversity, industrialization and metropolization. During the imperial period, its territorial resources formed the traditional "Sugar Quadrilateral". The soil suitable for planting sugar cane received attention from landowners, financial incentives, public policies and urban-regional planning, resulting in the technological development of sugar-energy and agribusiness, overriding historically established traditional cultures. Despite this, the territory is facing conflicts and the imminent disappearance of the legacy of caipira culture. The time frame of the research is the beginning of sugarcane plantations and the change in the natural landscape, investigating the results currently observed. This article aims to present evidence of the potential for implementing heritage parks along the lines of the methodology used by the Departament d'Urbanisme, Territori i Paisatge (UTP) of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, based on: heritage preservation, education, economic development and leisure. The aim is to help adopt the concept in São Paulo's urban planning debate.

Author Biographies

Jane Victal, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas

She is a Full Professor in the Postgraduate Program in Architecture and Urbanism (POSURB-ARQ PUC-Campinas) and the Postgraduate Program in Languages, Media and Arts (PPG-LIMIAR) at the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas (PUC-Campinas) where she is part of the research lines Theory, History and Criticism of Architecture and Urbanism, Project, Innovation and Management in Architecture and Urbanism and Languages, Poetics and Technologies. She has a degree in Architecture and Urbanism from the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas (1982), a master's and doctorate in Architecture and Urbanism from the University of São Paulo (1999), and a post-doctorate from Kings College London (2016). She is an ad hoc consultant for FAPESP and CAPES. She was a tutor for the Tutorial Education Program (PET) of the Higher Education Secretariat (Sesu) and an institutional interlocutor for the same program, a unit of the Ministry of Education (MEC). She coordinated the Audiovisual Center (CAV) and the Documentation Center (CeDoc) of the Center for Exact, Environmental and Technological Sciences (CEATEC PUC-Campinas). He was Editor and member of the Editorial Board of the journal Oculum Ensaios. She is the leader of the research group Urban Studies: Culture and Architecture (EU:CA) and a researcher in the research group Production and Research in Art, accredited by PUC-Campinas in the CNPq Directory. Areas of expertise: Art, Architecture and Urbanism, Urban Studies, Cultural Landscape. ORCID: 0000-0002-4251-4830.

Adelita Araujo de Souza, Universitat Politècnica da Catalunya

She has a Post-Doc in Urbanism from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia - Barcelona. PhD from the Postgraduate Program in Urbanism at PUC-Campinas with a sandwich doctorate from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia - Barcelona. Master's degree from the Postgraduate Program in Urbanism at PUC-Campinas. She has a degree in Architecture and Urbanism from Universidade Paranaense and a degree in Law from Universidade Paranaense. Her areas of expertise are: Territorial Planning and Design; Heritage and Cultural Landscape; History of Architecture and Urbanism; Urban Design and Morphology as a method of territorial and urban design. Co-editor and reviewer of the Journal of Cultural Landscape: IDENTIDADES: Territory, Culture and Heritage of the University of Barcelona. Member of the Scientific Council of the journal QRU - Quaderns de Recerca en Urbanisme of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia-Barcelona. She is a member of the Urban Research Groups at the University of Catalonia and EUCA - Urban Culture and Architecture Study at PUC-Campinas.




