A concepção da forma urbana na escola francesa de urbanismo: rupturas e continuidades


  • Ivvy Pedrosa Cavalcante Pessôa Quintella




Until recently, the history of urbanism devoted to the nineteenth century focused on functionalist modernism propagated by C.I.A.M. These contributions darkened the "French school of urban planning", despite its prominent position in the constitution of the disciplinary field. This school will perpetuate most of the compositional principles of urban art, but facing new challenges: conjugating them to the demands of modernity and disciplinary scientific. This study aims to observe the design strategies on the urban plans of this school, seeking to identify the ruptures and continuities with the tradition. In this communication, we attempted to discuss the moment that marked the projection of the actors of the French School in addition to the École des Beaux Arts, consolidating them as internationally renowned urban planners. They were presented and discussed three projects that inaugurated the success of this school in international urban planning competitions: Barcelona, by Léon Jaussey; Anvers, by Henri Prost; Canberra by Alfred Agache.




Sede Lisboa