
  • ACE: Architecture, City and Environment

    | Online ISSN: 1886-4805 | Print ISSN: 1887-7052 |                               

    "Architecture, City and Environment" is the name that reflects the open spirit of our journal dedicated to the study of the human habitat in broadest perspectives, scales and approaches. ACE is an interdisciplinary platform for research in architecture, urban planning and territory, open to new forms of study and designed to disseminate results in our own languages. It is published quarterly in Open Access Journal and its existence is due to the work of the Centre for Land Policy and Valuations (CPSV) of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) and those who collaborate in its dissemination, evaluation of papers and as correspondents. In addition, it is co-published by the University of Guadalajara.

  • Jornadas sobre Innovación Docente en Arquitectura

    The JIDA Conferences (Workshop on Educational Innovation in Architecture) are a meeting point open to all teaching professionals who develop innovative initiatives in the field of teaching in architecture. Its objective is to raise awareness and exchange concerns and experiences on education in the context of different architectural disciplines. The aim of the conference is to become a forum for debate that brings together pedagogical practices and diverse points of view of the multiple Schools of Architecture, both national and international. In short, its final purpose is to add synergies and improve the quality of learning in this field of knowledge and general training of architects.
  • Identidades: territorio, cultura, patrimonio

    The journal "Identidades: Territorio, Cultura, Patrimonio" was born with the intention of becoming a vehicle for the dissemination of studies and intervention initiatives on cultural landscapes, which play an increasingly important role in territorial development. They are communicative spaces that store and transmit information. In the same way that cities have gained prominence in the information age, these spaces assume an increasingly relevant role as communicative places, places where stories and messages are linked to spaces and forms.

    ISSN: 1886-6840

  • QRU: Quaderns de Recerca en Urbanisme

    QRU is an initiative of the Grup de Recerca en Urbanisme from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya to publish different research works according to the research lines of the Group. These research lines cover issues in the field of urban planning, land use planning and landscape. Each issue is structured around a specific theme and brings together work from both group members and external collaborators. They are intended to stimulate debate, generate transnational reflection and create a network beyond the group itself.

  • International Conference Virtual City and Territory (CTV)

    The 1st International Conference on Virtual City and Territory (CTV), Barcelona-2004, was conceived by the Centre for Land Policy and Valuations (CPSV), as a meeting place to present developments in virtual models and tools for representing the built environment. This has continued, alternately between Europe and Latin America, organized by the CPSV, with the support of the Architecture, City and Environment International Network, and local organizing committees.

    Maintaining its initial spirit, social and environmental topics have been incorporated, always with an impact on territorial and urban areas. Its proceedings are published in Open Access Journal, with access and free consultation.

  • International Urban Planning Research Seminar

    The International Urban Planning Research Seminar (SIIU) was born in 2007. As of the fifth edition, held in 2013, each year it is held jointly by the Barcelona headquarters (Polytechnic University of Catalonia) and a Latin American headquarters. The SIIU aims to nurture researchers from different international universities, promoting the exchange of ideas to deepen reflection on new urban challenges.

  • Biomecánica

    La Sociedad Ibérica de Biomecánica y Biomateriales ofrece a sus miembros una revista “Biomecánica”, en la que hay revisiones de un tema específico, trabajos originales, resúmenes de Tesis Doctorales, informaciones sobre Congresos y actividades, etc.. Asimismo, se organiza un Simposium anual en el que hay diferentes mesas redondas, en las que se abordan temas relacionados con la Traumatología y Ortopedia, Biomateriales y Biomecánica deportiva y ocupacional. Asimismo, dentro del Simposium hay comunicaciones orales y póster de los diferentes investigadores de Biomecánica en España y Portugal. Es un buen punto de encuentro para conocer las últimas investigaciones y abordar los temas multidisciplinares de Biomecánica.

    Web SIBB:

  • Palimpsesto

    Palimpsesto magazine, founded in March 2011, is part of the Cátedra Blanca Barcelona inititative of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. This publication focuses on contemporary architecture, with an emphasis on learning, on approaching the project through its materials and technique, and on reflection, as the three fundamental pillars of the architect’s profession.

    It content is of open vocation and is structured as a series of floating sections, which permit a flexible and dynamic structure, but simultaneously ensure coherence. The magazine is aimed at architects, students, researchers and professionals related to the project and the creation of architectural works.

    Published biannual, the magazine appears in paper and digital versions, and publishes original articles by its authors, plus interviews and projects. The journal is being indexed in Avery, DOAJ, evaluated in IBRA, MIAR, Latindex, Carhus+, has published its open access policies in Dulcinea and has been catalogued in RIBA.

  • Maritime Transport Conference

    Sea transport of goods and passengers is constantly undergoing a meaningful rise due to the globalisation of economy, thus provoking a trade speeding up and the specialization of ships and port terminals, with the support of the concept of comodality and its environmental face ecomodality.

    Ports, are the decisive and needed node in the transport chain, must serve the maritime transport as an infrastructure providing an smooth change between modes of transport. These aspects shall be framed by the quality and environment-friendliness criteria that administrations and society require.
    In this regard, protection of the port environment, safety and security have become key points for the development of modern maritime transport. In addition, the influence of human factor on board the ships has to be strongly considered as a decisive element for safe, secure and clean operations.
    The MT’24 Conference should be attended by researchers, scientists, academics, professionals, entrepreneurs, and all people involved in shipping and also in maritime training from any country. In its 2024 edition, administrations, institutions and companies will find a forum to meet, to exchange and to discuss their own achievements.

    The 10th International Conference on Maritime Transport  (MT’24), which will be held in Barcelona (onsite conference) on June, 5 to 7 of 2024 at Barcelona School of Nautical Studies (FNB-UPC),


  • Foro Universidad Arquitectura Industria, Ingeniería y Sociedad

    IV Foro Universidad Arquitectura Industria, Ingeniería y Sociedad

    El grupo de Investigación de la UPC Arquitectura Industria e Ingeniería (AR.I.EN) organiza en colaboración con la ETSAB el cuarto Foro Universidad Arquitectura Industria, Ingeniería y Sociedad que tendrá lugar el próximo lunes 30 de marzo de 2020 en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona.

    Colaboran: ETSAB, la revista Palimpsesto y la Cátedra Blanca de Barcelona


    El Foro propone un espacio de encuentro entre la actividad universitaria docente e investigadora, y los tejidos industrial y profesional del mundo de la arquitectura, hoy ineludiblemente comprometida con la lucha contra la emergencia climática. La Universidad se ha preocupado desde sus orígenes por su aproximación a la realidad social y productiva de su entorno. El debate entre la autonomía intelectual frente a la dependencia de las vicisitudes de la realidad no puede enturbiar la necesaria conexión de los estudios de arquitectura con la realidad constructiva. Los fundamentos de la disciplina precisan de una base instrumental que hunde sus raíces en una realidad técnica en lenta pero constante evolución. La industria, la próxima y la disponible, permite la materialización de la arquitectura no como mera factibilidad sino como un agente activo en su elaboración.

    Desde un doble enfoque docente e investigador, el foro explorará experiencias académicas situadas entre la ficción de las aulas y la realidad constructiva, organizadas en distintas secciones y en esta edición especialmente enfocadas hacia las cuestiones energéticas, la huella ecológica o el ciclo de vida de los materiales y con todo aquello relacionado con la lucha contra la emergencia climática. Su desarrollo recorre el camino de la universidad a la empresa a través de trabajos de investigadores, o concursos de innovación, como su inverso, de la empresa a la universidad mediante el desarrollo de productos en proyectos específicos o la celebración de tutorías industriales que son el preludio del desarrollo de tesinas industriales en marcos académicos como el máster.

  • Arquitectonics. Mind, Land & Society

    Para incorporar la investigación en la práctica profesional y la práctica profesional en la investigación, la Arquitectonics Network pretende ayudar a seleccionar, evaluar y difundir las investigaciones y los centros de investigación, que estén dispuestos a profundizar en esta relación, fundamental para el arquitecto, entre el desarrollo de la mente, el desarrollo de la sociedad y el desarrollo, o la construcción, de su territorio.