Estudio del proceso de toma de decisión en el planeamiento urbanístico: caso del Plan especial de reforma interior del sector Eix Llacuna de la MPGM para la renovación de las áreas industriales de Poblenou


  • María de la Concepción Crespo Blanco
  • Carlos Ramiro Marmolejo Duarte



During the development and execution of the urban development planning there are produced many decisions that are translated in changes that give place to a plan different from the one that originally was conceived, these modifications or changes are qualify in two groups: changes that happen in the development of the planning (characterized for being compatible to the use of the soil or to the master plan) and changes that need a modification of the forecasts of the plan (changes of use or utilization incompatible with the master plan. In general are changes that are given for the resolution of areas not contemplated in the general planning). This paper is a part of an investigation that contemplates the study of both groups in those who produce changes to themselves: a) In the development of the plan:  Special Plan of Interior Reform of the sector Eix Llacuna of the MPGM for the renovation of Poblenou's Industrial Areas.  Special Plan of Interior Reform of the Sector Parc Central of the MPGM for the renovation of Poblenou's Industrial Areas. b) In the modifications of the master plan:  Modification of the PGM for the renovation of Poblenou's Industrial Areas, District of Activities 22@bcn. In this work there will be studied the changes that are given in the development of the planning, especially the case of the Special Plan of Interior Reform of the sector Eix Llacuna of the MPGM for the renovation of Poblenou's Industrial Areas. The methodology consists of an investigation on the process of draft of each one of the plans, of the fact that the aims are: to define the stages of the planning, to design a agent’s structure according to their participation in the process, to identify the transcendental changes in the plan and in what phase of the process they happened, to identify how the agents affect in these transcendental changes (to determine their influence) and to detect the critical points. With the obtained results we will try to have a complete vision of the process of capture of decision, determine the agents influence in each of the changes, and finally, to know the social, economic and political circumstances, in that the most important decisions of change were taken.



