Tools and criteria for a sustainable city




sustainable city, evaluation tools, sustainability indicators


The current urban model based on the excessive consumption of resources, is a totally unsustainable system, marked by an uncontrolled growth of urban systems and its population and an exorbitant use of non-renewable resources, which generates pollution and waste. This reality makes it necessary to establish strategies and policies with environmental criteria to change this current model for a sustainable model, because otherwise, there is no future for new generations.

This communication aims to establish common criteria for the evaluation of sustainability in different urban areas. It is based on the collection of documentary information to analyze the current state of cities. An analysis of the main existing indicators at urban level and also current evaluation tools will be carried out, describing their methodology / stages and evaluation criteria. Once this analysis is done, general criteria will be established for each of the areas of application of the analyzed tools, according to those already contemplated and those that should be contemplated, in this way we obtain a matrix with the main indicators according to the scope and dimension.

When analyzing all the aspects that converge in the conformation of a sustainable city, it is clear that to achieve the objectives of sustainability a collective commitment is required, since a series of variables that in themselves involve other lines of study are involved, so They turn out to be complex in themselves. Although there are objectives, indicators, criteria, regulations and tools, not all city managers understand the importance of including environmental criteria in their projects and that, to achieve efficient city management, it is necessary to understand it as a whole, from a local perspective, as a scenario where complexity of factors converges and most importantly, where we all live.

The road to achieving these goals is not easy and full of obstacles, but it is the only way for future generations to have a future. In this area, existing tools should be strengthened, so that they are more accessible to all and citizen participation mechanisms so that we all make a city. If citizens do not understand the city as their responsibility, no urban strategy will make sense, since it will not last over time. There are many ways to achieve a sustainable city, the important thing is to understand and apply them according to our reality.

Author Biographies

Fanny Esther Berigüete Alcántara, Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña

PDI Departamento de Física de la Escuela Politécnica Superior de Edificación de Barcelona de la Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña.

Estudiante del Doctorado en Tecnología de la Arquitectura, de la Edificación y del Urbanismo de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona de la Universidad Politécnica de Barcelona

Inmaculada Rodríguez Cantalapiedra, Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña

Arquitecta Técnica

Lliceciada en Ciències Físiques

Doctora en Ciències (Físiques)

Titular de universidad

Directora de la Escuela Politécnica Superior de Edificación.

Estanislao Roca Blanch, Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña

Doctor arquitecto

Catedrático/a de universidad

Departamento de Urbanismo y Ordenación del Territorio

Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona (ETSAB)

Vicerector/a d'Infraestruc. i Arquitec.


